SugoiTools Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
SGE::CL_BASE_DBL_OBJ< IDType1, IDType2 >This class is an extended version of CL_BASE_OBJ class that allow you to have two unique ID for one object, a common example will be an image file that can be accessed via the filename(string) or via the texture ID(int)
SGE::CL_BASE_OBJ< IDType >The class if the very base class of objects that are used in CL_TEMPLATE_MANAGER
SGE::CL_BASE_OBJ_FILE< IDType2 >The class if the very base class of file objects that are used in CL_TEMPLATE_MANAGER
SGE::CL_BASE_OBJ_FILEThe class if the very base class of file objects that are used in CL_TEMPLATE_MANAGER
SGE::CL_MODA CL_MOD is a base module or plugin that you can use into your application to create more complexe plugins
SGE::CL_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_MANAGER< T, P >CL_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_MANAGER is a manager to add/store/remove/get and manipulate any type of objects. [MORE HERE]
SGE::CL_Vector2D< TType >The class is used to store and manipulate 2 dimensions vector. It has XML support to load/save the vectors from/to XML files
SGE::CL_Vector3D< TType >The class is used to store and manipulate 3 dimensions vector. It has XML support to load/save the vectors from/to XML files
SGE::CL_Vector4D_Base< TType >The class is used to store and manipulate 4 dimensions vector. It has XML support to load/save the vectors from/to XML files
SGE::CL_XML_BASE_OBJ< P >CL_XML_BASE_OBJ is the base class that must be used for any object that will be added to a CL_XML_MNGR. It herits from CL_BASE_OBJ
SGE::CL_XML_BASE_OBJ_FILECL_XML_BASE_OBJ_FILE is the base class that must be used for any file object that will be added to a CL_XML_FILE_MNGR. It herits from CL_BASE_OBJ
SGE::CL_XML_MNGR< T, P >CL_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_MANAGER with XML support. XML format is defined as following
SGE::CL_XML_OBJCL_XML_OBJ is the base class that must be used for any object that use XML. If you intend to use an object into a CL_XML_MNGR, you should use CL_XML_BASE_OBJ instead. \
There may be some situation where the creation of CL_XML_OBJ may be tricky. Example, I have a CL_XML_MNGR(Mngr) that create CL_XML_OBJ(Obj) from a XML array of tag.

The Mngr is not supposed to know how to read the XML values from the Obj it manages, but the Obj knows it, of course. The probleme is that we want an Obj that is not yet created (cause we may not know the type) to load it self from the XML stream

classThe CL_PARAM class is used to read/write parameters of all types(int, bool, string, double) from/to INI/XML files automaticaly. All values are stored in local CL_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_MANAGER of each types. If a parameters is not found, a default value is returned:
SGE::CLT_POS< VectorType >CLT_POS class is used to store position/rotation/scale of graphical objects in 2D/3D space depending on the type of template vector used
SGE::CLT_Vector< TType >The class is a template class to create vectors from 2 dimensions to 4 dimensions(and more if required) of any type(float, int, double,...). It has XML support to load/save the vectors from/to XML files
SGE::RunTimeEventA runtime event describe an event that occurs when the application runs. It logs the position(file, line), time of the event and a user message
SGE::ST_MOD_STATUSThis struct stores the module actual and future states
templateCL_TEMPLATE_PARAM is used to store parameters/objects of any kind

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